ABilab provides custom and generic software solutions for individuals, small, medium and large organizations.
Our solutions run across a wide range of devices in desktop, mobile or embedded form, with native or cloud availability, depending on the nature of particular application.
Our solutions are in use across a wide range of environments including home, office, manufacturing and warehousing, educational and healthcare organizations and others.
Some or parts of our solutions are also made publically available here on this site.
ABilab nudi splošne in prilagojene programske rešitve za posameznike, male, srednje in velike združbe.
Naše rešitve delujejo na širokem spektru naprav v namizni, mobilni ali vgrajeni obliki, z lokalno ali oblačno dosegljivostjo, odvisno od narave posamezne programske opreme.
Naše rešitve so v uporabi na različnih področjih, med drugim na domačem, pisarniškem, tovarniškem in skladiščnem, izobraževalnem in zdravstvenem področju.
Nekatere ali deli naših rešitev so javno dostopni na tej spletni strani.
Programska oprema po meri
Programska oprema po meri je programska oprema, ki je narejena posebej po meri naročnikovih potreb.
Ko bi želeli, da računalnik opravlja nekaj namesto vas, pa ne najdete ustrezne obstoječe programske opreme, potrebujete rešitev po meri. Prisluhnili bomo vašim težavam, ugotovili kaj potrebujete in ponudili najboljšo možno rešitev za odpravo teh težav.
Svetovanje potrebujete, kadar niste čisto prepričani v svojo izbiro.
Težko je sprejeti pravilno odločitev, ko niimate dovolj informacij o pričujoči težavi. Mi razširimo vaše razumevanje konkretnega področja dovolj, da lahko sprejmete ustrezno premišljeno odločitev takrat, ko je potrebno.
Products and downloads
Word hunt
Word hunt is a multi-language word game for Android.
Word hunt is an excellent time killer word puzzle game for all the fans of scrabble, boggle and other similar word games.
Find as many words as you can from 8 random letters. Longer words count more points per letter than short words. There is always at least one eight-letter word in a set of tiles. Valid words are from 3 to 8 letters long. This app can also be used to lookup specific 3-8 letter words in the dictionary. Contains a dictionary with over 58.000 English words and over 69.000 Slovenian words.
Requires Android 2.2+
Download Word hunt at Google Play
RCE: Remote Code Editor
Remote Code Editor allows you to browse and edit plain text files on your server remotely, from the comfort of your browser.
It uses ACE editor for editing content of files, combined with custom PHP API for serving and managing files, all integrated into a simple JavaScript/Bootstrap UI for browsing files, launching file editors and to provide some basic functionality shortcuts to the contained components. It should be usefull to edit all kinds of source code files with syntax highlighting and auto-completion across different languages without the need to use FTP or FTP-based native running editors or such.
Visit github.com/ABi-lab/RCE
Bookmarks allows you to quickly and easily save currently open web site to your online bookmarks list via bookmarklet to be accessible on multiple devices.
Title and summary are scrapped automatically similar as with facebook posts containing links and can be tagged with different categories.
Visit bookmarks.abilab.net.
Looptube is an in-browser solution that enables you to play or loop the whole or just a part of any Youtube video.
Select start and end time using sliders or by the touch of a button. Choose weather the video should be played once or repeated indefinetly. Use the bookmarklet while watching any youtube video to edit that video on looptube.
Visit looptube.org
ClipboardReader reads aloud the text you've copied to the clipboard when you press play or drag and drop it onto the play button.
Conveniently stays on top having a play button so large you can't miss it while being small enough not to disturb. Needless to say, features also the stop button and, how conveniently: nothing else.
Requires .NET4+.
Download ClipboardReader.zip
XCrypt is a tool providing you with the ability to encrypt data with the kind of encryption that is proven to be unbreakable.
It provides unbreakable encryption by allowing to use any data of any length as a key. If the key is truly random, as large as or greater than the plaintext, never reused in whole or part, and kept secret, the ciphertext will be impossible to decrypt or break without knowing the key.
And that is an important if, so it is in your interest to understand OTP and how it works. A fool with a tool is still a fool. So go ahead and read more about One time pads on wikipedia.
Requires .NET4+.
Ask about XCrypt.zip
SteganoWorks is a tool that allows you to hide text message within a bitmap picture by slightly changing appropriate pixel values so that ideally there is no obvious way of knowing that the hidden message even exists.
Steganography is the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file. The advantage of steganography over cryptography alone is that the intended secret message does not attract attention to itself as an object of scrutiny. Plainly visible encrypted messages�no matter how unbreakable�will arouse interest, and may in themselves be incriminating in countries where encryption is illegal. Thus, whereas cryptography is the practice of protecting the contents of a message alone, steganography is concerned with concealing the fact that a secret message is being sent, as well as concealing the contents of the message.
Requires .NET4+.
Download SteganoWorks.zip
TouchLock is a tool that mimics "slide to unlock" behaviour on Microsoft Windows Desktop touchscreen devices making tablets a little easier to carry around.
Ideally you would pin this to the taskbar for easy access. When activated, it will act as a fullscreen semi-transparent always-on-top application with a slider in about the middle of the screen. Drag it all the way to the other end for TouchLock to close.
Requires .NET4+.
Download TouchLock.zip
ToDo is a personal task management tool that visually presents your tasks in a way that reduces stress when used properly.
It shows important tasks on top and not important tasks on the bottom half of the screen. It then divides tasks by due date so that if the task is due within a customisable number of days, it is shown on the left and otherwise on the right. This further simplifies the schedule so that out of the tasks you do need to worry about, you only need to worry about those that are due soon and thus on the top left.
So while tasks on the bottom are not important, your worries mostly come from the top half of the todo list. The top left part (important and due soon) is usually the biggest cause of stress. Your mission is to kill a task while it's on the TOP RIGHT (important, but not due soon) BEFORE it moves to the LEFT (due soon). This is because while you do need to complete this task, it's not due soon so you can take time for it so it should cause waaay less stress. Once it falls to the left, your time may be running out, so there is an increased chance of stress while completing this kind of task.
Only once the todo list is empty on top you should start working on the bottom part. Before that it is not recommended because it increases the chance of a top-right task sliding to the left while you're spending time below.
Requires .NET4+.
Download ToDo.zip
SysAssis is a tiny always on top Windows Desktop application that shows basic current memory usage.
It is intended for a quick peek into what's using up most of your memory without the need to run the full task manager, a handy tool on a machine with limited RAM resources. It shows RAM usage by percentage (in use) and by value (in use/free/total) on top and top five processes sorted by RAM usage on the bottom.
Requires .NET4+.
Download SysAssis.zip
MailStressTest is a tool that sends X emails with Y MB attachment, each every Z seconds to a target inbox.
For obvious reasons, this software is not available for just about everyone to download. It MAY however be available to some people upon a good enough explanation of their intentions.
Requires .NET4+.
Ask about MailStressTest.zip
NameGen is a product name generation tool that provides suggestions based on the words you provide.
Provide two related sets of descriptions for a new item. For example, let the first list of words describe a quality (Funny, Cool, Nice) and let the second set of words describe the item (Videos, Clips, Flicks). This would yield a list containing FunnyVideos, FunnyClips, FunnyFlicks, CoolVideos, CoolClips, CoolFlicks, NiceVideos, NiceClips and NiceFlicks, ready to be quicky seen together for a fast comparison and eventual selection of the name that best fits your product or whatever you are using this thing for.
Requires .NET4+.
Download NameGen.exe.zip